Gerard Catus - Kenny Leon's True Colors Theatre Company Atlanta

Gerard Catus  Mr. Catus is honored and blessed on this debut performance with Mr. Kenny Leon and True Colors Theatre production of “Proof” by David Auburn. Gerard, who hails from Brooklyn, NY began his acting career there at the renowned Negro Ensemble Company in the late 60’s. His career was interrupted as he was off to serve during the Vietnam conflict. After years of work and raising a family, Gerard was blessed with the chance to return to theatre. As a member of Actors Equity and the Screen Actors Guild he has performed professionally in “Fences” as Troy Maxson, “Two Trains Running” as Hambone both by August Wilson. Two productions of “Death of a Salesman”, by Arthur Miller, as Uncle Charlie and Ben. As Hoke Colburn in “Driving Ms. Daisy” by Alfred Uhry. And many others. Gerard’s TV credits include The Wire, Law and Order SVU, All My Children and Homicide: Life on the Streets. He now lives in Atlanta and sends a special hello to Donald, Tselani, Brielle, Chrissette, Skylar and Wisdom all my grandchildren and to Anita, my wife, Jeri, Aaron, Dana, Amanda and Stephen, my children that make my life whole and complete. God Bless!